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Scattering My Mother's Ashes - Ian Seed

Chapbook RCP109

A6 46 Pages

40 Copies


Scattering My Mother's Ashes - Ian Seed

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  • Ian Seed’s Scattering My Mother’s Ashes seeks to navigate the mixed emotions of bereavement. The first sequence, ‘My Mother’, is a litany after the manner of Eduardo Moga’s Mi padre. It brings together a series of splintered memories to create an unsettling, bittersweet elegy. In the second sequence, grief takes the shape of a series of tiny fictions, in which loss and sadness become indistinguishable from the comic and absurd. 


    Excerpts from reviews of previous collections:


    ‘…compellingly readable, funny and at times filled with an eerie menace; all of which should appeal to the general reader. If there were any justice, it would be a bestseller.’ 

    Joe Darlington,
    Manchester Review of Books, on The Underground Cabaret.


    ‘As with Clare’s phantasmagorical world of journeying from High Beech to Helpstone, Ian Seed’s journeying presents the reader with characters who move in and out of focus and who are disturbingly memorable.’ 

    Ian Brinton,
    Tears in the Fence, on Identity Papers.


    ‘I love Ian Seed’s poetry. His strange dreamy “narratives” which are also non-narrative have a vague yet crystal hard precision which is not easy to encapsulate or describe... This is clever writing, playful and ever open to possibility, but it’s also the genuine article.’ 

    Steve Spence,
    Stride, on Fidelities.



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