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Lune - Sarah-Clare Conlon

Chapbook RCP 103
A6 44 Pages
40 Copies


Lune - Sarah-Clare Conlon

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  • Lune

    Sarah-Clare Conlon’s debut pamphlet cache-cache (Contraband Books) was a Poetry Book Society Winter 2022 Selection. Her prose collection Marine Drive (Broken Sleep Books) was followed in spring 2023 by her second poetry pamphlet Using Language (Invisible Hand Press). She has been writer-in-residence at Manchester’s Victoria Baths and Ilkley Literature Festival.

    Currents collide with concrete in this mini collection inspired by rivers and seas. Three short sequences dive into erosion by water, the effects of the moon on mariners, weather happenstances, shipwrecks and lighthouses. Go with the flow.

    “In Lune, Conlon captures the atmosphere of language with Blue Lagoon highballs and aqueous ice-pancakes, navigating storm surges with excitement and glee. On this Moon River, concrete odyssey, salty lips and chips see togetherness “spring forth with force”. There is a fearless embarking, a swift packing of play and adventure, to battle any choppiness. Like Hepburn sang ‘wherever you’re going I’m going your way’. Like Hepburn, with Conlon, we’re crossing Lune with style.”
    Vik Shirley

    “At the heart of this playful collection is a deliberate unsettling of place that allows the reader to set off on multiple journeys. Lune slips from river to sea, eroding the coasts that hold words apart from each other, lapping into white spaces where letters drift into new configurations. In this shipwrecked language, fragments float to the surface like small treasures.”
    Zoë Skoulding




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