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Grind The Map - Tom Cowin

Chapbook RCP 108

A6 40 Pages

40 Copies


Grind The Map - Tom Cowin

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  • Grind The Map

    Grind The Map is an Orphic journey following a voice though Brighton and the South Downs using James Hillman’s The Dream The Underworld as its guidebook and map. The dream should be met and cared for in its own realm, not brought into the dayworld by an imperialist ego. Abandon growth and settle. Sometimes the myth has a happy ending for Orpheus.


    Reviews of Static Gleanings


    “deeply engaging, The movement of poetry across a page and across pages bring continuing surprises as well as spaces/pauses for reflecting”
    Mike Ferguson.


    “combines words heard in static with his own poetical structuring to produce a book sat uncannily between poignancy and garble”
    The Manchester Review of Books.


    Tom Cowin works as a homeless support worker and gardener on the Sussex Coast. This is his third publication, having previously been published by Red Ceilings and Broken Sleep Books.



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